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Following Facebook success, Google creates Google Buzz and Google+. And now the biggest search engine also follows the success of other online storage services such as Dropbox, iCloud, Skydrive, Box.net and so on. Google creates what they call Google Drive. This service is known to offer a storage up to 100 GB.

The news about Google Drive has spread. It gives a possibility to people to store photos, files documents and videos in the ‘cloud’. Google will place all the files in their server so that people can easily share to others. This service is free for all internet users, however, for those who want more capacity they can have it with some extra charge.

Moreover, Google Drive also gives a support for third party developer to develop the application API Google Drive and they also include SDK for developer. Thus, we can open the file which has stored in Google Drive using other website or application without the necessity to use Google apps or to log in Google account.

The strong cloud infrastructure to back up the service of GoogleDrive has been prepared by Google. Based on the spreading news over the internet, Google Drive will be launched officially in couple weeks to come.

Written by: Cecep Arifuddin


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